Asbestos Tenant Notification Templates

DOEE has created templates (attached below) for building owners to use to notify building occupants/tenants of upcoming asbestos abatement work.

Blanket Permit: An asbestos project taking place for longer than 6 months, over the course of a calendar year not to exceed 364 calendar days, or a project where over 100,000 SF of asbestos containing material will be abated. Please note that the language in this letter needs to inform building occupants that work will take place intermittently over an extended period of time if applicable.

Vacancy Notice : This letter is sent to DOEE to request to waive Title 20 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) - Section 800.9 - which requires the owner/operator of a building where planned asbestos abatement is scheduled, to notify the buildings’ occupants at least 30 calendar days prior to the start of any asbestos removal activity. This vacancy waiver will only be granted for a project where building vacancy can be confirmed for the entire building during the entire schedule of abatement.

30 Day Tenant notification: Per Title 20 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) - Section 800.9 - requires the owner/operator of a building where planned asbestos abatement is scheduled, to notify the buildings’ occupants at least 30 calendar days prior to the start of any asbestos removal activity. This letter to occupants needs to include the following information:

These templates can be used as a guide however it is the responsibility of the building/property owner to ensure that all pertinent information is included each notice/ waiver and that all District and federal regulations are adhered to.



Asbestos 30 Day Tenant Notification


Building Notice of Vacancy


Blanket Permit 30 Day Tenant Notification