Learning ACT : An Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Skills-training Manual for Therapists

The groundswell of interest in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is among the most remarkable developments in contemporary psychotherapy. Whether you are new to the profession or an experienced clinician with an established career, seeking to incorporate ACT work into your practice, this book is an essential resource. ACT is both a unique approach and somewhat counterintuitive in its methods. Learning to "do ACT" well requires practice, patience, and good information. This book is a major contribution to ACT professional literature: a comprehensive, activity-based workbook that will help you understand and take advantage of ACT's unique six process model, both as a tool for diagnosis and case conceptualization and as a basis for structuring treatments for clients.

Learning ACT begins with an overview of the ACT model, outlining its theoretical and philosophical underpinnings. Next you will learn how to understand and make use of the six core ACT processes. In later chapters, you'll be introduced to the ACT approach to establishing an effective and powerful therapeutic relationship and learn to conceptualize cases from an ACT perspective. Throughout these chapters are numerous exercises to help you apply what you are learning in order to process the material at adeeper level.

Unique to this volume is a DVD that includes role-played examples of the core ACT processes in action. Use this helpful addition to bring to life the concepts developed in the text. An invaluable aid to serious ACT study, the DVD can be reviewed often as you gain facility with the model.

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Об авторе (2007)

Jason B. Luoma, PhD, is director of Portland Psychotherapy, a research and training clinic based on a social enterprise model that uses business revenue to fund scientific research, where he maintains a small clinical practice. As a researcher, Luoma studies shame, self-criticism, and the interpersonal effects of emotion as well as related interventions. He is a recognized trainer in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), former chair of the ACT Training Committee, and past president of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Steven C. Hayes, PhD, is Foundation Professor in the department of psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno. An author of forty-four books and over 600 scientific articles, his career has focused on an analysis of the nature of human language and cognition, and the application of this to the understanding and alleviation of human suffering and the promotion of human prosperity. Among other associations, Hayes has been president of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), and the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. He has received several awards, including the Impact of Science on Application Award from the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the ABCT. Robyn D. Walser, PhD, is director of TL Consultation Services, and codirector of the Bay Area Trauma Recovery Center. She works at the National Center for PTSD developing and disseminating innovative ways to translate science into practice, and serves as assistant clinical professor in the department of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. As a licensed clinical psychologist, she maintains an international training, consulting, and therapy practice. Walser has coauthored four books: Learning ACT, The Mindful Couple, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma-Related Problems, and ACT for Clergy and Pastoral Counselors.

Библиографические данные

Название Learning ACT: An Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Skills-training Manual for Therapists
Context / NHP Series
Авторы Jason B. Luoma , Steven C. Hayes , Robyn D. Walser
Издание: иллюстрированное
Издатель New Harbinger Publications, 2007
ISBN 1572244984, 9781572244986
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 304
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan